Ever hear people say that summer is wedding season? Well, this summer is definitely proving it. We just returned from Charleston where we attended two weddings in two weekends. Rich's sister, Judith, got married on July 15, and my sister, Jessica, got married on July 21. We were glad that we were able to see a lot of people that we hadn't seen for a while, as well as seeing both of our families again. We had a fun time, but now need a vacation after our vacation. Now that we have a child, trips are a huge production. How can such a little person require so much stuff? Anyway, here are a few choice photos from our time in Charleston.

Ben and Judith pose in between bites at their reception.

The four sisters at the Pavilion Hotel rooftop bar for Jess' bachelorette party

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Moroney toast to their new life together.