Sunday, August 31, 2003
Christ our Lord is Risen today! Hallelujah! Somehow, I do not feel that most of the time. And I don't think others do either. It doesn't seem that anyone seems to care that the Sabbath is a holy, joyous occasion. That it has been consecrated for us as a day of rest and worship. God has given us a great blessing, a respite from the torment of our lives, to rest in his steadfast love, to meditate on him, to do what we were designed to do, without distraction: glorify and enjoy Him. Do we believe this? Why are we so quick to avail ourselves to work (schoolwork, etc.) when we are called to honor the Sabbath day and keep it holy? What is it that makes this command so easily ignored (and by those who definitely know that this is a command, myself included)? I am thankful for God's making covenant with me; this is a wonderful time for me to spend time thinking about this. Maybe I just have more time on my hands than everyone else, but it is a great blessing to have a day to remind me of a God who has drawn near to me and to the rest of his chosen people. It is also a great time to look to the future: a time when we will see face to face our Redeemer, when our sins will not distract us, but will be done away with completely, and their memory will merely serve to draw us closer to God in the celebration, and we will enter a lovely rest. I long for that. My sin and misery may seem ever present, and ever powerful, but I can look in hope for a time when that will not be the case. Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Saturday, August 23, 2003
Today, I spent about an hour typing a post, in fact, the most meaningful post I have yet to write. I was almost finished (a couple more sentences), when the internet access crashed. Nothing was saved. I was mildly frustrated.
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Well, a certain friend of mine knew a girl whom he dated for some time that had a blog. In that blog, during the time which they dated, she never once mentioned the ongoing relationship that they had. Nor did she mention the person whom she was dating. Though he (the friend) looked faithfully to see if there was any hint of something important going on in her life related to a dating relationship, he did not see it. This, along with other factors, helped him to see that she did not consider their relationship to be a significant part of her life, and though he was slow to deal with it, he eventually caught on. For those of you who wonder why I have not included such details in my blog, I suggest that you read the rest of the entries; do they seem like important segments of my life? The obvious answer is no. However, the real reason I have not posted anything is that I have been busy.
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