Ever since Anna Ruth came out of the womb, she has reminisced about the deliciously seasoned potato strips and deluxe burgers she had (in condensed form) when her mother ate at Five Guys Burgers and Fries during our time in Blacksburg, Virginia. She was overjoyed to find out two and a half weeks ago that Five Guys had opened up shop right here in Birmingham. In fact, for several days after hearing about the opening, she made mention of the opportunity that her parents had to taste again of these culinary masterpieces. I, never to ignore the wishes of my daughter, faithfully relayed these requests to Liv. In order to protect Anna Ruth from charges of burger-idolatry, I have been careful (until now) to attribute these desires to myself rather than to our apparently (appearances can be deceiving) saintly and vegetarian daughter. After the "suggestion" of Five Guys burgers had been made to Liv for about the 5th time, Liv made room on her menu for a trip to the local establishment for fine American cuisine (and no, that's not an oxymoron). When we arrived, Liv got a shot of me holding Anna Ruth under the sign which reminded her of her former bliss.

Here you can see how excited I am (for my daughter, so that she will be able) to partake of these sensory pleasures. My olfactory capacities have not been so dulled that the ambrosial fragrances of Five Guys cajun fries do not conjure up salivatory anticipation that is sure to be fulfilled. This gift was sure and it was more than equal to the preceding anticipation, and I rejoiced (on behalf of Anna Ruth).
Thanks Rich, for that all-too-vivid description of Anna Ruth's previous tastings of burgers (the condensed version). I must now try and not lose my lunch!
P.S. Notice how Liv's posts are nice and full of pretty Anna Ruth pictures? Take note....!!!
Sorry, that was me (Carol)
Are you saying Anna Ruth doesn't look pretty in this picture?
You're a fine father.
When in the womb, Isaac was a big fan of Layne's. Seriously, before each ultrasound I would take Jamison there because the sauce always made him jump around more than usual.
The little guy still can't get enough of it.
It appears that you, too, have a gift for knowing what we want (for our children) to eat. You even have evidence, with the whole ultrasound thing. My lack of evidence does not deter me from believing what I do about Anna Ruth's food preferences. Liv would say that this lack of evidence should point to a different conclusion, but I am not convinced. In fact, upon reflection, I am that much more amazed at my knowledge of my daughter's preferences, seeing as my reasoning is entirely intuitive. I guess that's why they say "Fathers know best."
That should be: "Father knows best."
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