On July 9th, Rich and I celebrated 4 blissful years of marriage and enjoyed an evening out while his parents kept Anna Ruth.

I volunteered my time and energy to help out with VBS at our church this year, and I was assigned to be The Craft Lady. A lot of work and planning went into getting the crafts ready for the kids, but everything was so much fun. It was very rewarding to see the kids' faces and hear their ooohs and ahhs when they walked in the room and saw what craft we were making each day. And before each craft, we explained how it correlated with the Bible lesson for the day. The children were all extremely receptive and participated well. The week was tiring, but lots of fun for me and for Anna Ruth.

Just today, my mom, dad, mother-in-law, and Anna Ruth and I visited Rosebank Farms where they have fresh produce and seafood, flowers, a petting zoo (the main attraction for us), a small museum, and art displays. Anna Ruth loved all the animals, especially the mule (which she called a horse) and the ducks and roosters that were roaming freely. Here are some highlights of the day:

The horse/mule named "Blue Belle"
Anna Ruth standing in front of the miniature horse
(shortly after, he tried to eat her ponytail)
One FAT pig
One of the more interesting exhibits

Anna Ruth kept talking about riding on the horse, and though we weren't allowed to take rides on the real one, we found this metal one which satisfied her just as well.
Anna Ruth having a seat and drinking some much-needed refreshment
(Did I mention the 108-degree heat index?)
And now I think I'm finally caught up! Are you tired of reading yet? OK, good. I'm tired of typing and sitting here while the pictures take forever to upload. Adios for now.