Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Homeward Bound

We wanted to let everyone in on our news that Rich accepted a job in Charleston with ADC Engineering on Saturday. We have been trying to move back to South Carolina for some time now, but things just hadn't been panning out. It's been hard to find a good company that is able to pay us enough to live in Charleston on one income! We didn't expect things to happen so fast, but apparently this company wanted Rich enough that they offered us even more than what we asked for salary-wise. It was an amazing answer to many prayers from us and our families. We are so thankful to God for providing us an opportunity to move back home and have a great job and enough money to live on. Well, the company wanted us to come as soon as possible. So, we are heading out of Birmingham on October 13th and will arrive in Charleston on the 15th. We are super excited about moving to Charleston where both sets of parents are living. We're really looking forward to Anna Ruth developing strong relationships with her grandparents and also the free babysitting! Of course, we are also glad to be closer to parents for our own relationship with them as well, and renewing friendships with people who have stayed in the area.
As a side note, we will have to be changing our blog name once we move. Any suggestions???


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Long Road Home another one.

Anonymous said...

How about Charleshamlin sounds stupid I know or Hamlins in the Lowcountry or Lowcountryhamlins

Anonymous said...

Hamlin Sounds is starting to sound a whole lot better all the time.

Mosshouse said...

I like Lowcountryhamlins! We sure will miss y'all but praise God for this incredibly answered prayer!

Anonymous said...

Y'all need to be thinking about the PRIZE for the winner!!!! I am!!!

Anonymous said...

I think your prize is their presence, Mom.. sorry to break it to you

I don't have any ideas to contribute though, so I guess I shouldn't be talking!


rich said...

No, we have decided to give a prize. We've tossed around a couple ideas, but it seems like the prize would necessarily be different for someone who is in Charleston vs. someone who is elsewhere.

As far as Carol talking: it's okay as long as she's coming up with ideas for a new name and she's not criticizing my posts.

Anonymous said...

OK Carol. I know you have very enlightening ideas. So....come up with one or two! Yea Carol, no criticizing the posts!

Anonymous said...

The's dizzying

Anonymous said...

PipeUpHamlins or Ashley Hamlin Cooper or Ashamlinooper or SoundsfromHamlin or MeetingKingHamlinStreet or VestryHamlinHarlesden or FortHamlinSumter or BatteryHamlin or maybe I won't inflict any more on you but it is hard to resist a chance at a prize.

Anonymous said...

Ok fine, how about...

What did I win???

Anonymous said...

The Now Holier City (haha)
or you could say
(Haha Rich, I was sorta kidding, referring to the Glory to God nurse you told me about.. but the idea was using one of Mom's Charleston-flavored names along with something along the lines of Prayers Answered)

(Carol again, me last time too, in case you couldn't tell)

Anonymous said...

And, as far as criticizing posts go, you know that my name is Correction Carol... I'm simply trying to live up to that! What more could you want?

Anonymous said...

I'm excited that you guys are back in Chucktown! I'd love to see you sometime and catch up. Liv, I talked to your dad tonight, so he has my phone number if you want to get in touch anytime.

Oh and my vote is for Hamlins in the Holy City.

Anonymous said...

I like dad's BatteryHamlin kinda. Also, I can't remember if someone said Hamlintowne.
We love y'all! And miss y'all!

(soon to be)Ben and Judith