Today is an important day, not only because I have just 9 days to go until my baby is born, but also because we now know who will be the next president of the United States. Even though I was prepared for this outcome, it is still quite a bit of a blow and also very sobering to think about. My first thoughts are that God is still in control, He knows what's best, and is working all things together for good for those who love Him. But if I let my mind wander from that, it can be very scary to think about what kind of country I am bringing this child into. It makes me more determined and resolved to raise him and Anna Ruth to be godly people who can be salt and light in this increasingly anti-God nation. It makes me more dependent on God for the wisdom and strength to do that.
I can still rejoice in the birth of this baby, trusting in God's covenant promises and knowing that God will do mighty things to use him for his kingdom!

We went to the children's museum downtown, and one of the playrooms was a mini Publix. Anna Ruth loved pushing the cart around and "shopping" like Mommy.
Another exhibit was the water room, and Anna Ruth enjoyed pouring water through the mills and watching it spin.
We loved the mini Kroger in Memphis at their Children's zoo! Did it have a place where you can "really" check out and it gives you a receipt?
We are praying for a safe delivery for baby boy Hamlin!
Well, it did, but the receipt part wasn't working at the time. But she didn't seem to mind.
Thanks for your prayers!
You are an excellent intimate ally, honey!
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