Anna Ruth has finally been cooperating with potty training, and so I decided to do a fun little activity with her this morning while James was napping. I got the idea from her Highlights High Five magazine that she gets every month (she loves it!), and I just used my own recipe for the dough. We mixed up a huge bowl of bread dough that I normally use to make rolls, and made three bears--a daddy, mommy, and baby, of course. First, we shaped three bodies, then added a head, arms, legs, ears, and a nose. The instructions said to add raisin eyes, so we did that, but we also added belly buttons just for fun. :) We covered the bears with a towel to let them rise for about 20 minutes, and then baked them in a 400 degree oven for 7-8 minutes until they were golden brown. When they had cooled a little we added butter and honey for a "beary" good treat!

That was such a neat idea to do! I'll bet Anna Ruth LOVED the cooking and eating of the bears!!
VERY cool idea, I agree!
And HURRAY!! for Anna Ruth-potty-training news!!! :D
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