Today was some absolutely wonderful weather here in Charleston. It was actually a little too chilly to head to the neighborhood pool, so we just decided to do a little work outside. I vacuumed out both of our cars, and then Anna Ruth and Rich washed them. Anna Ruth loved being able to help. (She's in that stage where she wants to help with EVERYTHING, and sometimes her "help" is a lot more work than it is helpful. But I know I just need to persevere through it, so that she can learn and that way actually be a help to me later--but I digress.) She and Daddy had a great time scrubbing, getting bubbles everywhere, and getting pretty soaked.

We ended the day with some grilled hamburgers, fries, and ice cream cones. Anna Ruth immensely enjoyed her cone (she's finally learned to appreciate cold ice cream), and experimented with a new look. Don't you just love the mustache and goatee?
Sounds like a fun time. That ice cream looks really good from here.I will have to get Anna Ruth to help Gramps wash our cars.
Your little girl reminds me of my little girl when she was little 22 years ago.
Nice looking family.
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