Josiah Hudson Hamlin was born on March 8, 2011 at 12:54 p.m. weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 19.5 in. long. He had a bit of a rough start since he had some fluid in his lungs making it difficult to breathe. They noticed him grunting a lot, and so they put him on oxygen to help him breathe easier. Then he had a couple episodes of apnea, where he stopped breathing for little while, so they had to keep him in the nursery hooked up to several monitors to make sure it wasn't developing into something more serious. He had no signs of infection and all the other tests came back normal, so he ended up being sent home with a clean bill of health. We were very thankful that he was fine and to finally get to go home on the 14th of March. Anna Ruth and James have been enjoying their new little brother. They both love to hold him and kiss him. James is learning how to be gentle and sweet, and so far, he has not seemed jealous of Josiah. We are all excited to have another family member! Enjoy the pics...
great job, Honey! I like the picture choices
our babies were born one day apart! yours came first, which totally cracks me up b/c i think i was due a week ahead :). hope life is settling into somewhat of a routine for you. our big loves holding ella margaret as much as it looks like anna ruth is enjoying holding her new brother.
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