Friday, December 15, 2006
It's a Bug's Life
Anna Ruth's hair is in that stage where it's long enough to get in her face and look messy, but yet not quite long enough to put in cute little pony tails. When I tried the other day it came out looking like this. She ended up looking like a bug with funny antennae rather than a little girl. Rich added that she also looked like an alien...but, I think I may still continue to do her hair like this because it gets a lot of laughs. What do you think she looks more like--a bug or an alien?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Happy Birthday, Anna Ruth
Even though she had no idea what was going on, it was still fun to have a little party for her. She got several great gifts, and one of her favorites is a push toy from Aunt August, Uncle Jody & Storm. She gets very excited because she can walk by herself, and she loves it when we chase her. Overall, she had a wonderful birthday, and we were glad that we could spend it with family.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Please Pray
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Cure
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The long awaited "Beer-On-A-Shoestring Rankings" have begun
Our finances have forced the masculine member of this family to curtail his consumption of barley-based alcoholic beverages. However, dire times though they may be, they have not yet forced the apocalyptic last call. (Note: in reality, there will be no apocalyptic last call, as we will be sitting around the Lord's table, drinking the most complex wine (for the first time for Jesus since the Last Supper). But for effect, I will continue...) Beer's great advantage over wine is cost. However, back in Blacksburg, I had become spoiled. Free beer tastings every Friday had enabled me to enjoy the finest of domestic and imported liquid cuisine while making the salary of a student. Here in Alabama, a supposedly conservative government has taxed alcohol nearly back to Prohibition, while also banning the best of beer from the state altogether (alcohol percentage cap). There has had to become a beer-imbibing strategy of sorts. I have begun to work my way up the cost/quality ladder of beer. Knowing full well that Bud/Miller/Coors would not get me up the first step of this ladder, I began with the next cheapest beer I could find. Wal-Mart sells Yuengling Black and Tan for $5.34 /six pack. I began there. I will admit being disappointed. I remember having one bottle that I really enjoyed, but on most days, the beer barely tasted. For the last two weeks, I have been sipping on Michelob's Amber Bock ($5.84/six pack at Wal-Mart). I would rate this beer equal to Yuengling Black & Tan in terms of quality, and I prefer the Black & Tan genre to that of the Amber Bock. For the price, both are ok, and if times become more desperate I may have to revert back. For now, however this is my ranking. For beer enthusiasts on a shoestring, keep an eye out, as this blog will be carrying a live updated ranking complete with prices in the upcoming months.
I sure miss the old days...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Anna Ruth Loves to Walk
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Make your memories last
Friday, August 18, 2006
The Woot* Scoot
*By the way, for those of you who don't know, our pet name for Anna Ruth is "Woot". It started with Rich calling her "cutie wootie", and then that got shortened to "cute woot", which then led to just plain "woot". Just thought I'd explain so you weren't puzzling over the title.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Love is in the Air
Ben and Judith pose in between bites at their reception.
The four sisters at the Pavilion Hotel rooftop bar for Jess' bachelorette party
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Moroney toast to their new life together.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Carolina Day
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Size comparison
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Anna Ruth's new dress
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Summer Fun with Hats
As you can see, Anna Ruth is ready for it with all of her hats and bonnets. We've been having fun sitting outside in the sun on our back lawn. Anna Ruth likes being outside as long as the sun doesn't get in her eyes. That's why the hats are so essential! (But they sure are cute, too!)
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
"Baby Got Book"
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Friday, April 07, 2006
Calvin on 1 Corinthians 11:16
Calvin's Commentary:
16. But if any man seem A contentious person is one whose humor inclines him to stir up disputes, and does not care what becomes of the truth. Of this description are all who, without any necessity, abolish good and useful customs — raise disputes respecting matters that are not doubtful — who do not yield to reasonings — who cannot endure that any one should be above them. Of this description, also, are those (ἀκοινώνητοι) would be singular persons 641 who, from a foolish affectation, 642 aim at some new and unusual way of acting. Such persons Paul does not reckon worthy of being replied to, inasmuch as contention is a pernicious thing, and ought, therefore, to be banished from the Churches. By this he teaches us, that those that are obstinate and fond of quarrelling, should rather be restrained by authority than confuted by lengthened disputations. For you will never have an end of contentions, if you are disposed to contend with a combative person until you have vanquished him; for though vanquished a hundred times, he would argue still. Let us therefore carefully mark this passage, that we may not allow ourselves to be carried away with needless disputations, provided at the same time we know how to distinguish contentious persons. For we must not always reckon as contentious the man who does not acquiesce in our decisions, or who ventures to contradict us; but when temper and obstinacy show themselves, let us then say with Paul, that contentions are at variance with the custom of the Church 643
Monday, April 03, 2006
Overdue Update
God provided me with a job from MBA Structural Engineers, Inc. here in Birmingham. Here are a few of their largest projects. After 3 ½ weeks of work, I can say that I love my job. My bosses have been very knowledgeable and gracious and yet at the same time have been forcing me to learn on my own. I can’t imagine a better vocational situation than working under two believing bosses and being given the responsibility that I have been given.
As great as the work situation has been, other circumstances have not been quite as promising. Most importantly, the main reason I applied to this job was the hope of a good church in Birmingham. Sadly, that church has not appeared to be quite what we expected, and though we have tried, we have been unable to get connected there. We have yet to find a church that would be an ideal match to our convictions, though we have been here for a month. We greatly miss our dearly loved spiritual brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers in Blacksburg. We are still hopeful that one of a couple of churches we have visited will be close enough to what we think the Bible teaches that we could serve there wholeheartedly.
It seems that race (and economic class) relations here are somewhat strained. Liv in particular has been treated badly in stores where she has been out of place as a non-white, lower-income individual, and yet when she has been to predominantly black areas to shop, she has been treated even worse. I, too have felt this when I have been out. This type of thing has been altogether foreign to us, though we both have grown up in what we once considered the Deep South.
One of the advantages of our new abode is living right down the street from the zoo. However, if one of these ferocious cats ever got loose, we’d be doomed. I’m not lyin’!
We also live right across the street from the famous (and free) Birmingham Botanical Gardens, where Liv and I have visited once already.
While we were gone, Anna Ruth laid back, chilled out, and watched the tube. What a couch potato!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Westminster West on Justification
Saturday, March 11, 2006
There's some kind of effect we have on our friends...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Snow Day
"I'm not so sure about all that white stuff outside."
"So it's a snowball fight you want, huh?"
"That was fun, but I'm glad to be back inside where it's warm!"
Sunday, February 12, 2006
All Decked Out in Our Sunday Best
I think he'll put me down if I pull his hair hard enough...
Friday, February 10, 2006
NBA All Stars
Recently, I considered never watching the NBA again (see Antonio Davis getting punished for doing the right thing), but, oh well. Anyway, the NBA All Stars have all been named. Also, did anyone see the hurtin' the Mavs put on the Heat? This might be the year for the Mavs; they are a changed team.
Oh, yeah, did anyone else wonder why Ray Allen made the team and not Chris Paul? I love Ray Allen, and I love watching him play, but it seems like the votes went to players making the biggest difference for their teams, so why Allen? The same could be said of Paul Pierce, but his stats are amazing, the best in the league in my opinion.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Is the Catholic Church a true church?
Here is more (though on a slightly different subject.)"What was it that gave rise to the stupendous polemic of the Epistle to the Galatians? To the modem Church the difference would have seemed to be a mere theological subtlety. About many things the Judaizers were in perfect agreement with Paul. The Judaizers believed that Jesus was the Messiah; there is not a shadow of evidence that they objected to Paul's lofty view of the person of Christ. Without the slightest doubt, they believed that Jesus had really risen from the dead. They believed, moreover, that faith in Christ was necessary to salvation. But the trouble was, they believed that something else was also necessary; they believed that what Christ had done needed to be pieced out by the believer's own effort to keep the Law. From the modern point of view the difference would have seemed to be very slight. Paul as well as the Judaizers believed that the keeping of the law of God, in its deepest import, is inseparably connected with faith. The difference concerned only the logical -- not even, perhaps, the temporal -- order of three steps. Paul said that a man (1) first believes on Christ, (2) then is justified before God, (3) then immediately proceeds to keep God's law. The Judaizers said that a man (1) believes on Christ and (2) keeps the law of God the best he can, and then (3) is justified. The difference would seem to modern "practical" Christians to be a subtle and intangible matter, hardly worthy of consideration at all in view of the large measure of agreement in the practical realm. What a splendid cleaning up of the Gentile cities it would have been if the Judaizers had succeeded in extending to those cities the observance of the Mosaic law, even including the unfortunate ceremonial observances! Surely Paul ought to have made common cause with teachers who were so nearly in agreement with him; surely he ought to have applied to them the great principle of Christian unity. "
As a matter of fact, however, Paul did nothing of the kind; and only because he (and others) did nothing of the kind does the Christian Church exist today. Paul saw very clearly that the difference between the Judaizers and himself was the difference between two entirely distinct types of religion; it was the difference between a religion of merit and a religion of grace. If Christ provides only a part of our salvation, leaving us to provide the rest, then we are still hopeless under the load of sin. For no matter how small the gap which must be bridged before salvation can be attained, the awakened conscience sees clearly that our wretched attempt at goodness is insufficient even to bridge that gap. The guilty soul enters again into the hopeless reckoning with God, to determine whether we have really done our part. And thus we groan again under the old bondage of the law. Such an attempt to piece out the work of Christ by our own merit, Paul saw clearly, is the very essence of unbelief, Christ will do everything or nothing, and the only hope is to throw ourselves unreservedly on His mercy and trust Him for all.
"Paul certainly was right. The difference which divided him from the Judaizers was no mere theological subtlety, but concerned the very heart and core of the religion of Christ". (Machen, J. Gresham. Christianity and Liberalism, New York: Macmillan, 1923, p. 23-25.)
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
January 15th
This was a little while ago, but on the 15th of January, at Redeemer Church, in Blacksburg, VA, Anna Ruth was given her rite of initiation into the covenant of salvation. Here she is, with our pastor, her mother and father, and a little bit of water. Thank you to everyone who attended. It was very encouraging to have believing families on both mother and father's sides in attendance. God is truly faithful to his promises to be God to the children of believers.
If you are wondering what this is about, I will attempt to give a short explanation. Salvation is by Christ alone, and we gain that salvation from him by faith alone. But the promises of God to save are made only to those who are in covenant with him. Those outside the covenant of grace cannot be saved. All those within must have faith to be saved; they must trust in those promises God makes.
Baptism, according to the Bible, is the initiation into the covenant God has made with his people, and the beginning of the faith journey, the life of discipleship. In the Bible, children are not viewed as autonomous individuals, but, if their parents are believers, they are disciples of Christ. If one grows up to be an unbeliever, it is an act of covenant breaking, for they were in the covenant as a child, in God's sight.
Not only does Baptism enter one into the covenant, but in it, God also signs and seals his promises to his people. Baptism, as a sign, pictures the work of God, in cleansing his people of their sin, granting them his Holy Spirit, and uniting them to Christ, in whom is salvation. As a seal, Scripture speaks of baptism as gracious thing; it not only pictures grace, but through it, God also gives grace to his people, though this grace is not necessarily given at the same time that the baptism is administered, and it is only given to those who believe.
That was my attempt at brevity. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Taken today
Anna Ruth is a happy girl (at least right this second--if you wait a few, she might be very upset). But lately, it seems she has been happy a lot. It's good to catch it on camera. She has been so much fun. She's starting to coo and interact with us in other ways. I'm convinced she knows to stick out her tongue when I tell her to. It could just be that her favorite game to play is the "let's stick out our tongues game." It sounds boring, but when it's your own child interacting with you as a separate human being, it's really exciting. God knew what he was doing when he designed families.