It's 11 weeks, and Baby Hamlin's feet look like something close to this. Although, the size of the picture can be misleading, as the child's whole body is about 1.6 inches long. Liv says that the feet are about the same size as those on the pro-life pins, which are actually that of 10-week old fetuses. That would make them between 1 and 2 cm long. That's just me guessing. The amazing and fun thing to see, though, is how well developed they are.
We also know that nearly all his/her structures and organs are formed and beginning to function. Hair and nails are beginning to grow. There's lots more to know. Just go click on the Hoopla link to pregnancy.org, and surf to your heart's content. But do so with the knowledge that as amazing as this miracle is, it is only a taste of the creativity and power of the Author, Sustainer, and Redeemer of life, by whose glory we will be forever fascinated.

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